Improve transportation mobility

Enhance transportation options through improved accessibility, connectivity, and collaboration

Below Target 1.2 Incorporate “near-term” (less than 15 years) Comprehensive Transportation Plan infrastructure plans into Capital Improvement Plans (CIP)
8% Complete
FY 22 - Q1
Last Updated: 02/14/2022

Comprehensive Transportation Plan

Comprehensive Transportation Plan

Legend: Complete | On Target | Near Target | Below Target | Future Data | No Data

Legend: Complete
On Target
Near Target
Below Target
Future Data
No Data

Planning staff continues to review public and private sidewalk, greenway, and multi-use path projects for comprehensive plan conformance, and works collaboratively with Budget and Engineering staff on CIP Project needs

Town of Morrisville, NC | 100 Town Hall Drive, Morrisville, NC 27560 | 919-463-6200